24,00 12,00


Relax and re-balance the energetic points by visualizing the colours of the essential seven Chakras. The meditation “Chakras’ Re-balance” is an harmonization of the essential seven energetic centres. Basically it is an energetic re-balance, useful for the body, the soul and the spirit.


The meditation “Chakras’ Re-balance” is an harmonization of the essential seven energetic centres and it is an energetic re-balance, useful for the body, the soul and the spirit.
This is a relaxing and regenerating meditation for the whole vital energy that flows in the body. In fact, the Chakras are linked to the glands and the organs; the organs extend themselves to the energetic meridians.
By visualizing the colours it is possible to give each Chakra its vibrational frequency back since the colour gives the right frequency to the treated area.
The meditation “Chakra’s Re-balance” is useful to unlock the energy of the seven Chakras by using the colour’s vibrations and the guided mental induction.


-a first part dedicated to the relaxation
-a second part dedicated to the re-balance of the essential seven Chakras by the visualization of colours in the zones equivalent to the energetic point (the Chakra) that you will energize.
This meditation is also useful to learn about colours’ visualization. This is the first step to open the 6th Chakra, also known as Third Eye or Inner Eye, involved in the creative visualization.

24,00 12,00