Watch the 1st video of Reiki 1st Degree

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The 1st Degree of Reiki is the level of the physical. It is the course where you learn to work on the body. You will learn both to do self-treatments on yourself, and to do treatments on other people. You will also learn how to give energy to animals, water, food, plants and crystals.

The REIKI 1st level multimedia course is a complete course in all respects. You will avoid the long loss of time that you often have in live classes and you will learn everything you need to learn about Reiki.

The REIKI 1st level multimedia course is a complete course in all respects. You will avoid the long loss of time that you often have in live classes and you will learn everything you need to learn about Reiki.

Reiki means universal life energy. Energy is the basis of everything that exists, of everything that lives, simply, energy is everything and everything is energy.

In order to live, we all eat, drink, breathe and absorb the universal energy that enters our course and becomes vital energy, indispensable for our life. We all take and give energy for being alive.

For this reason, Reiki is simple, Reiki is natural, Reiki is pure, Reiki is spontaneous, Reiki is extremely easy to learn because energy is already part of us all.

In this course you can find all the program of the Reiki 1 st Level course of the classic and traditional Mikao Usui system.


• 7 Videos MP4

All is energy – How energy works
The 7 mains Chakras
Reiki Self Treatment – Energy Balance
(2 videos) – A) Complete Reiki Treatment on other people explanation of Reiki Manual + 2nd Video: B) Reiki Treatment on Lady (model) life
Reiki Treatment to animals (pets): dogs, cats, small rabbits
Reiki Treatment to food, plants, water

• 2 Audios MP4

Meditation + Guidated Reiki Self Treatment
Reiki Music for a Reiki Treatment with bell every 3 minuts


1 complete Reiki Manual of RIS- Reiki International School – 1st Degree – PDF

• 6 other Manuals linked to Videos – PDF

All is energy – How energy works
The 7 mains Chakras
Self Reiki Treatment – Energy Balance
Complete Reiki Treatment to other people
Reiki Treatment to animals (pets): dogs, cats, small rabbits
Reiki Treatment to food, plants, water

• 1 Activation Request – 1st Degree – PDF

Than, we’ll sent to you in your email, the Certificate of Reiki 1st Level, with your name, date and signature.

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