Watch the 1st video of Love Coach

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In this package you can get:

  • Soul Mates Course – Multimedia Course
  • + 3 private lessons oh 1 hour for each, total 3 hours, via Skype

LOVE COACH – Complete ourse Online

  1. Basic Course (Soul Mates course + 3 hours by Skype)
  2. Advanced Course – 5 hours by Skype
  3. Professional Course – 5 hours by Skype

Becoming LOVE COACH is a choice you make if you want to dedicate yourself to people to help them be happy or at least find the right serenity in the emotional relationship or in their emotions.

You can help them understand each other or understand why they meet people who make them suffer, or understand why they are alone.

The course is structured in 3 phases

1) Love Coach Basic Course – 2) Love Coach Advanced Course – 3) Love Coach Professional Course.

The course can be online on Skype.

You will be issued with digital material, and for each phase you will receive a course certificate issued by: Coaching 4 Your Great Life, London based Love Coaching school.

Love Coach – Basic Course

Start to buy “Soul Mate Course”

And you have also 3 hours on Skype of Love Coaching lessons with the teacher to explain the NLP, the mirrors, the basis of the emotional matrix and the first exercises to change the unconscious beliefs towards the other and relationships.

3 Sessions for Love Coach Course are online via Skype by appointment

Love Coach Basic Course included:

DIPLOMA (Certificate) OF LOVE COACH issued by Coaching School 4 Your Great Life, and exercises for him and her to be delivered to the client to understand themselves and their vision on relationships.

The course program is identical either online or live.

IN A SECOND TIME it ll be possible to continue and complete the path with this courses:

Love Coach – Advanced Course: 5 sessions of 1 hour + experience of 10 cases

Love Coach – Professional Course: 5 sessions of 1 hour + experience of 10 cases with final exam in which the candidate must bring a case study on which the student has dealt.

Each phase includes a diploma

1) Diploma of Love Coach

2) Advanced Love Coach Diploma

3) Certificate of Professional Love Coach issued by the school “Coaching 4 Your Great Life”



Understand the subconscious mental schemes about love and relationships and change those schemes to open yourself to a happy Love. Be ready for that serene and passionate love you have always dreamt of. Be ready to meet your Soulmate.


In our modern society men and women have common interests and do activities together more often than in the past. We therefore assume that it should be easier to meet people and start a relationship. Yet nowadays more than in the past, singles struggle to find a partner, especially in the cities where it should be easier to meet new people. Or sometimes people start relationships with the same type of person and repeat the same situations and problems all over again. This subconscious state of mind is called “Spiral Dynamics”.

But why do these situations keep repeating themselves? The famous “attraction law” is nothing but the energetic law of the cause and the effect, that in love relationships is strong and always present.


-subconscious mental schemes and matrix

-the believes

-the reality concept and personal filters

-the affective matrix. Identify your matrix

-family scripts

-the subconscious expectations in the affective and love part of life

-how to change the expectations of your subconscious by renewing your matrix

-how to make you feel worthy of love

-the external influences

-how to protect yourself from the external influences in the partner’s choice

-to comprehend the human mental schemes

-the mirrors

-the other person is the mirror of our expectations

-understand your expectations towards yourself and your partner

-the forgiveness, the gratitude and their liberating energy

-how to get rid of your past experiences and feel free to accept new love

-how to be free of loving and being loved

-the USELESS mental schemes

-the stereotypes you created from past experiences or from gender stereotypes

-how to get rid of useless believes

-generalizations such as “everybody is the same”


-distorted thoughts

-a new way of LOVING

-being LOVE yourself and be able to give and receive LOVE

-how to attract LOVE in your life

-conditional and unconditional love

-to love because it brings you joy (to receive love back is a consequence)

-the four levels of love:

1st level: physical

2nd level: emotional

3rd level: mental

4th level: spiritual

-the human needs to understand other people’s behaviours

-the need for love (the fear, the protection, the escape from suffering)

-to understand human behaviour in order to understand yours and your partner’s problems


-the creativity of diversity

-to appreciate the diversity as a quality that allows you to grow and gives you joy

-to accept the other and the sense of valour in the other

-to understand the other instead of changing him/her and to accept his/her weaknesses instead of refusing them

-to avoid repeating the same mistakes

-to highline the qualities you are attracted by

-the importance of the IRONY and self irony

-love likes irony and playfulness

-the importance of laughing


-the image of yourself

-to like yourself and to improve your self-esteem

-to take care of yourself without thinking the other has to

-to maintain joy, happiness, enthusiasm and attraction as time passes

-to love yourself

-to love yourself and don’t expect the other to give you the love you lack (how to be independent)

-the house (the importance of having a warm and clean energy)

-how to improve your life, your house, your spaces, your physical and emotional energy

-your free time

-the importance of having time for yourself

-where can I meet her/him?


13 MP3 audio files for a total of four hours of course divided into chapters:
1) the affective matrix
2) examples of love relationships with parents and emotional and cellular programming
3) how to protect yourself from external influences
4) the personal resources (how to use them in a good way in a relationship)
5) the mirror (the relationships and the “external” relationships reflect the “internal” emotions and believes)
6) forgiveness makes you free to love (why and how to forgive)
7) the mental schemes that are useless in love (how to get rid of them)
8) to be love (the four levels of love)
9) the seven human needs (every behaviour exists to satisfy one of the seven human needs)
10) A (the importance of diversity. Diversity means enrichment) B (the importance of laughing. How to have an easier relationship)

Later we’ll take the 1st appointment via Skype for a 1st lesson, totale: 3 lessons (3 hours)


  • what is the love matrix
  • the first impact with the client, let him or her talk dentify your client’s love matrix
  • start giving the client some exercises to let go of the strongest
  • block of his or her love matrix (usually the mother)
  • try to understand what is his/her communication channel to relate to him or her
  • how to help yourself with useful questions
  • what are his or her emotional mirrors
  • why it is important to forgive the parents and let go of all their
  • modality of relationships
  • exercises to forgive parents and turn the page
  • how to help the client love each other more
  • exercises to forgive themself and to love themself
  • for your client
  • what beliefs deriving from his or her love matrix
  • the client must let go to be free
  • professional exercises of emotional freedom from
  • conditioning and trauma
  • nlp professional exercises to change visions and beliefs about their possibility of being loved or about relationships or about men or wome
  • how to help the client to be free from the past and open to love

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